Thursday, 21 January 2016

Doombull - Complete!

Here's the finished photos of my Doombull!

To start with here's a suitably atmospheric one in the style of Iron Sleet.

Followed by a well lit version. Overall I'm very happy with how this guys turned out! I decided to try out a new technique on the armour. I would usually just paint armour varying degrees of Silver with a black or brown wash, but as the Doombull is part of my Nurgle army, I felt I needed something to visually tie it in there, as having the Mark of Nurgle if you like. I decided to mix silvers into a base of Waagh Flesh, having chosen this as I felt the tone of the green fit in better with the rest of the army, plus I didn't want it too bright.Starting off with a basecoat of WF mixed with Leadbelcher, I then mixed in varying ratios of Mithril Silver with WF for subsequent layers, finishing off with pure MS for battle damage.

The green "gems" were Waagh Flesh followed by Warboss Green, with a little Nurgle's Rot for the final step, I wanted them to look like they were oozing it! One of the gems I resculpted to have a rudimentary Nurgle symbol, instead of the stock Slaanesh one, and I intend to carry this symbol on throughout the army, starting with freehanding(!) it onto my next model's helmet.

The shoulder horn started with a base of Doombull brown, then, starting at the tip, pure Screaming Skulls, then reducing it as I went down the horn.The yellow stuff at the top of the horn is a little Nurgle's Rot, I got a little carried away.

The axe is my standard formula for silver, Leadbelcher then Mithril Silver and a wash, but I spent extra time building up areas on the axe with Agrax Earthshade, specifically the shadow around the raised area in the middle. I then added in some Nurgle's Rot into the crevices, as well as Blood for the Blood God for blood splatter. I don't think I've got the angle right on the blood but I'm not too bothered about that.

The last Nurgle element I added to the model was the wound on his back, painted with a base of Mephiston red, followed by BFTBG and Nurgle's Rot! 

Painting this guy has really got my imagination going on the Beastment element of the army again, resulting in the largest element of the army as seen on the plan below, being Beastmen! Next I intend to get a unit of Ungor Raiders and apply this scheme to them!

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Army Plan Update

I've updated my army collection plan a little (well quite a lot) you can compare the two below, the top one being most recent! I'm looking to work towards two/three battalions across the army, a Daemon Cohort of Nurgle, an Ungor Raiders Ambush, and/or a Bullgor Stampede. The Bullgor Stampede in particular may be beyond my price range as Minotaurs are so expensive! I could look into alternative models or Ebay older versions.

Monday, 11 January 2016

Doombull WIP

So I got carried away with the Doombull and have nearly finished him!

First up, really happy with how the skin has turned out, working up the different tones of Eshin Grey was really fun!

The idea I had of metallic green armour seems to have workes well too! Used Waagh Flesh + Leadbelcher basecoat, then WF and Mithril Silver in varying mixes to highlight and finally Mithril Silver by itself to add edge highlights/battle damage! There was a brown wash in there somewhere too! 

Now not sure whether to do the rest of the metal on him, particularly the axe, bronze/gold or silver, what do people think? I'm leaning towards silver but am open to suggestions?

Thursday, 7 January 2016

January WIPs

Hey guys, a couple of new purchases to show -

Decided to finally get the Doombull I'd been wanting since the start of the project, back when I intended it to be an Ogre-sized army with Beastmen support...

I initially decided I didn't want to convert / add to the stock model as I think it's great as it is, but I couldn't help changing a small Slaanesh symbol hanging off his chainmail to a Nurgle one, plus adding a wound onto his back -

I intend to paint his skin and fur varying shades of grey, and with his armour I intend to try painting metallic dark green for the first time!

Second purchase is this guy from Mierce Miniatures, will be used as a Chaos Lord with the Mark of Nurgle rather than a Lord of Plagues as Chaos Lords seem so much better?

Added a couple of green stuffed bits to this guy mainly to strengthen the bond between both sets of horns, and cover a large gap between two fur parts - 

I intend to paint this guy to fit in with my Blight Kings, I think the sculpt fits pretty well already. Guy has plenty of skin which I think is one of my strengths so looking forward to doing that next month.

I'll hopefully be posting some WIPs of the Doombull's skin and armour progress in the next couple of days! Let me know if there are any suggestions or improvements for what I intend to do! Cheers for looking!