The Proph glanced around the Rotbringers camp lazily. Is this really what Nurgle evicted him from his putrescent pasture in the Ninth Realm for? What had he done to deserve this? It didn't matter anyway, The Proph would follow Nurgle unquestioningly. He was tasked with guiding the Rotbringers to victory in the Realm of Beasts, and if that meant granting that buffoon Cholothrax daemonhood to achieve this goal, then so be it...
Had a lot of fun painting this guy, starting with a grey undercoat was a good choice, as it meant the robes which form a large part of the model just needed highlighting. The other main area of the model. the skin, was really fun to do. I used a new combo (for me) of pallid witch flesh over kislev flesh, followed by a druchii violet wash. I thought I'd try something different with the flames, warboss green, biel tan green wash, followed by warboss green again and a yellow glaze!
Up next is another unit of converted Bloodreavers and a Herald of Nurgle to round out my Nurgle Host daemon battalion...