Monday, 16 May 2016

The Prophet of Nurgle - Complete!

The Proph glanced around the Rotbringers camp lazily. Is this really what Nurgle evicted him from his putrescent pasture in the Ninth Realm for? What had he done to deserve this? It didn't matter anyway, The Proph would follow Nurgle unquestioningly. He was tasked with guiding the Rotbringers to victory in the Realm of Beasts, and if that meant granting that buffoon Cholothrax daemonhood to achieve this goal, then so be it...

Had a lot of fun painting this guy, starting with a grey undercoat was a good choice, as it meant the robes which form a large part of the model just needed highlighting. The other main area of the model. the skin, was really fun to do. I used a new combo (for me) of pallid witch flesh over kislev flesh, followed by a druchii violet wash. I thought I'd try something different with the flames, warboss green, biel tan green wash, followed by  warboss green again and a yellow glaze!

Up next is another unit of converted Bloodreavers and a Herald of Nurgle to round out my Nurgle Host daemon battalion...

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

April's Hobby Recap

Hi guys, here's what I've been up to this month!

Started with this unit of Bestigor.

I added bellies to most of them, plus rather badly done masks to make them resemble the old pestigor (I'm hoping to redo these soon). The champion got a rather more in depth conversion than first thought to be able to use that Blight King Scythe, but I think it came out ok in the end!

I'm rather more proud of this next unit, 10 chaos warriors converted from Bloodbound Bloodreavers! I shaved off all of the Khorne Iconography and replaced some with my custom Nurgle symbol. I'm particularly proud of the rust effects on these guys.

I think this guy in particular has the best rust effects, you can really tell the difference that using Typhus Corrosion has under the rust paint!

Here's the (out of focus) champion for the unit, you can see the various effects paints used; Blood for the Blood God, Nurgle's Rot and the rust paints. Also on his forehead is an example of the shaved off Khorne symbol followed by a sculpted custom Nurgle symbol.

Finally here's the banner bearer for the unit. He had a massive Khorne symbol on the banner so I had to put greenstuff over it - I tried to make it so it look like a flag, but carved the Nurgle symbol into it as well. 

This month I'm going to be working on another Rotbringer Sorceror, this time taken from the Glottkin kit... Hopefully going to try my hand at scratchbuilding a sign on his base, using plasticard for the first time...