Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Why Nurgle?

Or to be more accurate, why Nurgle, why now, and why plan the army as I have.

After reading what felt like millions of articles on the pros and cons of Age of Sigmar, I decided to start a new army project rather than change my former armies, Dark Elves and Vampire Counts, over. This was partly because I wasn't going to be rebasing hundreds of miniatures, and also because Age of Sigmar is so different to 8th that I think you'll be seeing completely different armies being made.

So looking for a new army, not much grabbed me to be honest, until I looked at Beastmen. Widely regarded as one of the worst performing armies, I had written them off for an 8th edition army but always loved the models. With AoS, I think most if not all units in an army are now viable, as well as there being benefits for taking certain units / heroes with the same keyword. So Beastmen were starting to look alot more feasible.

I began to make a list of what elements of the Beastmen I would include, beginning with the minotaurs, both the Doombull and standard minotaurs, as they are great models, plus being monstrous infantry sized would allow me to develop my painting skills. I then added ungors with bows as I felt these would act as scouts for the army plus give some much needed firepower. I like the centigor models so these were added in, also being used for scouts within the army. Other elements I may include at a later date are a Great Bray Shaman with his ability to summon any monster, and the other monsters in the beastmen range.

I was also looking for a project that would push my painting and modelling skills, and Beastmen with Nurgle allies fit the bill. I could practice using greenstuff on any model in the army, adding in typical Nurgle elements where appropriate. As the Blight Kings are some of my favourite recently released models, I decided to include them.

So I intend everything in the army to have the "mark" of Nurgle to unify it, even though none of the beastmen have the option to do this in the rules. Having begun collecting a number of units that are dedicated Nurgle already, this has allowed me to built up a small collection of Nurgle bits to use in converting the non-Nurgle units. Units will receive some greenstuffing in order to bring them in line with the others.

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